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Duck: Susie Teuscher

Sarah Allam | Illustration Editor

The Daily Orange will forever have a special place in my heart. Although I won’t miss my 20-minute walks at midnight in blizzards, the laughs and friends that came with my time here made it all worth it. Since my second week of college you have given me a group of people to rely on and shaped my college experience into what it is today. Every person here is incredibly talented and unique, and it has been such an amazing experience learning from you all. Just know that I’ll be back when I can’t find anyone to jam to Mamma Mia with.

KJ (AKA Suz) and Dabbundo: I’m sorry I didn’t really talk to you guys until like a month ago. But, at least now you know how cool I am (and that Dabbundo I don’t hate you, it was just my RBF all along). I’m actually really sad writing this one because you guys have become some of my favorite people, so thank you for always keeping it groovy and putting a smile on my face.

Sarah, Mackenzie, Lauren, and Anna G.: First off, Anna, I’m really upset we didn’t make your official nickname Anna G. because it sounds like something straight out of the bachelor. You all truly made digital the girl squad it is and created the best space for ranting, gossiping, or just having really good jam sessions.

Diana: Keep doing you. Your sass is always 10/10.

Anna: MY BIG NUMBER BIG. Oof boy do I love you. Thank you for always speaking your mind, because it turns out most of the time we’re thinking the same thing.

Blessing: You better be reading this. Only the strongest make it to this point.

Ally Moreo: You are actually the love of my life. You have been there for me in SO many ways this semester. Someone was definitely looking out for me when they put you in my life and I am eternally grateful for it. Every time I think about you leaving I may cry so we’re just not going to do that.

Kaci, Jordan, Brooke, and Sessa: Thank you for your excitement towards creating new ideas that made me a better designer. Also, thanks for putting up with me all the times I forgot to take the period out of a one sentence card. And yes Jordan, I thought you were the historian until January but you should take that as a compliment because I’ve learned this semester that Tyler’s really cool.

Amy and Kevin: I am so excited to see how you make digital your own next year. I’m always a call a way if you need help with anything! But FYI, I’ll be out of town when you need me to pick up a vector illo snap.

Sam and Ali: You two put so much faith in me by hiring an inexperienced new college freshman and I could not thank you enough. Your graciousness towards letting me learn has opened so many doors for me in the future and has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing people. Aishwarya thank you also for giving me the chance to continue to be with the people I love so much this semester (and to write this duck). Bridget you’re also included in the people that led me to being a part of the Daily Orange Staff. I specifically remember meeting you at the open house and deciding I would apply immediately after, since knowing that there were kind, creative, supportive people like you in the house was all the reassurance I needed.

Leffert and Haley: I am so excited so see what you two are going to do next year. I am even more excited to see TWO boss ladies at the top. I know you’re going to kill it (especially Leffert because you’re from Texas).

Talia and Andy: Thank you for being my mentors for the last year.

Andy: You literally inspired me so much that I completely changed all of my career plans within two weeks of meeting you. But that’s not important at all compared to the One Direction mashup you introduced into my life. That was truly life changing. I don’t cry often, but I will admit to the world I cried when he played it. Twice. Your humor has brightened so many of my days and I will miss seeing your face around Newhouse (and in photos during all my advertising classes). You have done so much more for me than you can possibly imagine, so thank you for not only being my first DO mentor but the first mentor in my future career too. Remember me when I’m trying to be your assistant after graduation please.

Talia: Thank you for pushing me to be a better designer everyday, even when I really didn’t want to re-export the entire graphic to shift the title down a space those little things made me so much better. The time and care you put into making me the best I could be will not only helped me with my designing, but it has also shown me how to be a caring/considerate leader and mentor. I also will miss seeing all the variations of gluten-free meals you can make. You have really inspired me to become a better chef, maybe even more than a designer.

Maeve: You have changed my college experience. I can’t really describe how, but you’re just the type of person that you feel like you’ve known forever. Your ambition, perseverance, confidence, and humor have inspired me so many different times. I will deeply miss shouting your name two feet away from you while you have your AirPods in on full volume next year. Just know that you will still be seeing way too much of me. You can’t get rid of me that easily.

Mom and Dad: Thanks for paying for my Adobe subscription.

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